Blog 8: A subject you enjoyed studying this semester

Hi everyone!!

Today i’m going to talk about a subject that i enjoyed study this semester.

I think the class that i have enjoyed the most this semester is ‘‘procesos y prototipos’’ I like it because the subject is interesting and fun, during the class the teacher teaches us and explains the subject with several visual and easy to understand examples, but the most fun are the tasks to do, I feel they are very didactic and simple, as the name of the class says, you have to create the process and prototype for a design project. 

Also, one of the activities we had in the class was to make origami, we had to learn how to identify the best way to make the design before making the origami and that it would fit well in the final figure, it was very fun and one of my favorites so far.

As a bonus, I would like to mention the class ''proyecto'' we have only been with this class for two weeks but it is a lot of fun because we have to make a kind of virtual collage, the theme and name of the project is called ''yo nunca fui a la fau''

Thank you for reading!!

Pd: I got the photo of the origami from the internet, I lost the one I made, anyway mine wasn't very nice😔


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